Sunday, December 5, 2010

singgah sebentar

Dah lama ak tak menulis kat blog ni.sebab,sebab,sebab, bz sangat.assignments lah.kuiz,test,last skali final exm.huhu.kadang-kadang 2 idea bertimbun tapi sebab tak ade masa,jadi xdapat lah nak update selalo.pas2 bila dah on9 nak menulis,idea dah hilang.hehehe.korang mesti pelik kan kenapa tiba-tiba ak mengarang dlm bahasa inggeris plak dalam blog ak sebelum-sebelum nie.itu suma adalah salah satu tugasan yang lecturer ak bagi.since next sem dh xde lg subjct sekarang ak bebas mengarang dalam bahasa melayu balik.haha.ak harap ak meng'update blog ak sekerap yang mungkin.sekian,w'salam. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st day of ramadhan

This is the first day of Ramadan where all Muslims are fasting.Today is the first time I'm fasting  in the Melaka's state since I'm studying in Uitm Melaka-City Campus.But it is not my  first experience 'bersahur' and 'berbuka puasa' without my beloved  family.In the evening, I 'berbuka puasa' with my best friend and her housemates  because all my housemates have returned to their homes yesterday.Also,I have plans to return home this weekend.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

a hectic week!

This is a very busy week for me.I attended MEBA's annual general meeting on Tuesday and the next day I had replacement class(ethics) which we had quiz and on Thursday night i have Public Sector class.Besides that, I have another replacement classes today from morning until evening that make me tired and sleepy.Thanked God!I'm quite lucky because not involve with PTPTN matter.But poor Mimi,Sa'adah and Sakinah (my housemates) because they have to settle their PTPTN matter.In case if they can't settle it this evening,they have to stay at the auditorium until night.Tomorrow I have accounting class in the morning.Phew,this is a hectic week for me! (>.

Monday, August 2, 2010

our guests!

Today our classmates (intan,ila,nani,maya and nisa') come to visit our new house.At the same time,my other friends also came to our house.Our classmates adore and praise our house.Besides that,they grab the opportunity by doing direct selling and I as a friend support them with buy a one of the product.Now,everybody (classmates) has leave our house and we (farah, me and mimi) continue doing our work that left before.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

.new casa.

Yesterday,we moved out from Tmn Chempaka to Kg Morten.I was so exhausted but still very excited to live in a new house and the most important is,near to campus.We can walk everyday to campus,and no more buses!hehe.We still not finished unpacked our things and clean up our house.Even though it is smaller than our previous house but still this new house is adorable.It is a new house,so we are the 1st tenants that stay here.I hope we will stay here happily together.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

black kebaya

Yesterday, Farah,Mimie and I were wearing black kebaya to class.Our classmates praising our kebaya and said,"are you guys planned to wear it together?".Also,everybody can't takes their eyes over us when they saw us walking together.We took a lot of pictures ,so that we can remember the day we wore kebaya together.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

chefff ???

I was so excited went to my home sweet home.yippie!!!As I was at home,my only sister said that she had entered a cooking competition and she won.Now,she is busy practicing how to decorate a cake because at state level,the theme is birthday party.I'm also interested in decorating a cake and give her my opinions how to decorate a cake.In the evening I accompany my sister and her friend to buy some stuff for the competition at Tesco.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

kptm hebat !

Today on the way to  go to have a lunch, we saw kptm's van and we are so excited because we are ex-kptmkl students.After having  a lunch,we pass by the kptm kiosk  and proudly said to one of the kptm officer that we are ex- kptmkl students.After having a short conversation,we went to cyber cafe.Hmmm, I don't know why since I graduated from kptm,I am so proud to say that I was ex-kptm student.Sometimes, I felt that I really missed that place!         

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

window shopping

last weekend, farah and i went to mall for having a lunch.After having a lunch,we went for a window shopping.I felt like I want to buy everything there but poor me, I don't have enough money.We entered almost all the shop lots in the mall.Even though I was exhausted,but I felt so happy. ;D

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

oh flu!

Today I'm not feeling well because I got flu.I've taken medicine but still not getting well.Also,I have a lot of homework to do.I have to finish all my works quickly so I can go to bed early.Last but not least, pray for me to get well soon.bye!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

hari pertama di penang, sabtu,12/06/10

yea.yea.balik penang.hehehe.ble nk balik penang je excited...perkara wajib klu balik penang ialah mkn kt nasi kandar...ari tuh kteowg lunch kt 'Pelita Nasi Kandar'..sedapp!

n then mse kt jambatan pulau pinang  mmg jammed gler ahhh!mybe sbb weekend kowt...dekat sejam gak ahh atas jambatan tuh..akhirnya smpi gk umh mak tok ak.hehehe.ble msuk umh ak pn bersalam dgn pak ngah,mak tok,paksu n suma lah.hehehe.pas2 ak tgk anak maksu ak....dia dpt anak pmpn.isshhh,geram btol.sbb cute gler...dh la puteh gebu.dia ikut maksu ak.

.hehe.rehat-rehat jap...tibe-tibe anak mak cik ak naek ats kt tmpt kteowg lepak(umh maktok ak 2 tgkt).ak dh pelik,mak cik ak kte nk blk esok...rupe-rupenya dia sje nk kasi surprised kt ak.hehe.buat pengetahuan kowg.ak dgn family mak cik ak ni mmg rapat gler.dr dia bujang smpi la dia dh beranak pinak.anak-anak dia pn rapat dgn ak.pas2 mak cik ak plak nek.berpeluk sakan lah kteowg.hehe.pas2 mula lah,kteowg pn bergossip....

malam plak kteowg g pasar malam sbb ade sedara ak yg meniaga kt situ.sambil g pasar malam sambil melawat sedara.hehehe.sblm g pasar malam,singgah dulu kt umh sedara ak ni.sbb anak pmpn dia dh bersalin..waaa,baby girl ni pn cute gk sbb puteh,pipi tembam....isshhh,rase nk cubit2 jer pipi dia..hehe.pas2 kteowg g la gerai sedara ak tuh...waaa,aroma char koew teow yg kak watie goreng mmg wat ak terliur beb! diaowg ni mmg kaki bisnes.mse pasar mlm tuh jer diaowg sewa 4 tapak.jual burger,char koew teow,minuman,laksa & rojak buah..mmg happening gler ahh!siap leh mkn kt situ..sllo gk kteowg gather sedara mara kt c2.kadang mak chaq ak pn dtg...pada mlm tuh mak tam n family dia ade.kteowg pn borak2 la.ak plak sibuk duk layan si kembar tuh.kembar dua2 laki..ishhh,penat tol nk layan kerenah diaowg.cmne lah sepupu ak layan anak kembar dia nie..mmg sebijik gler!smpai ak pn x leh nk bezakn.

sbb,klu nk g umh masing2 mmg x sempat la.nk suro suma blk umh tok ak pn mustahil sbb diaowg kn keje...kteowg lepak smpi la kol 10 lebih....sblm blk umh tok ak,kazen2 ak dh kirim mknn dh.maklumlah,world cup fever.diaowg tgk lah! so sekian ntok hari pertama di penang.

Monday, May 31, 2010

kenduri kesyukuran

mase ari ahad lepas ade kenduri kesyukuran kt kg ayah ak.kenduri kali ni tumbangkn seekor kambing..pagi tuh og sembelih ak x tgk pn..hehe...ari tuh mmg sibuk laa.banyak keje lak 2 kne wat..perkara yg pertama skali ak wt ialah wt air teh susu.sarapan pagi tuh pulut kuning dgn smbal petai.aww.terangkat babe!bak kte atuk ak,sambal orang kg mmg sedap..sbb sumanya homemade.hehehe.pas2 tolong lap2 pinggan...tolong makcik ak masak daging kicap...n tolong hidangkan  lauk-pauk .mcm-mcm ade.lauk ikan masin masak lemak cili padi letak nanas,ayam masak merah,daging masak kicap,ayam goreng berempah,sayur kacang panjang,acar buah,n yg paling best adelah,kambing masak gulai..hehehe.dalam pukul 10 lebih tuh ade datang la group org berzanji...pas2 dalam pukul 12 tuh..datang plak tok imam dgn org-org masjid..bacekn doa kesyukuran...ramai gak yg datang....n ramai gak yg x berape kenal ak..hehe.maklum lah cucu 'mithali' jarang balik kampung.ak rse ntok semester ni,ni lah 1st tym ak blk kg..hekhekhek.

mcm-mcm ade...hehehe .

haaaa...air sirap ni pn ak yg tolong wat tw..hehehe

nie plak mse nga bace doa...

haaa...suma dh ready..hehe.sedappp!masak secara bergotong-royong.hehehe

muda kah??

hehehe.cter ni pasal jumaat malam minggu lepas,sambil-sambil ak tengok tv kt ruang tamu...ak pn on9 lah...mse ak tgk fb ak...ade la mamat ni nk berkenalan dgn ak.ak pn sllonya sblm chat ak akn tgk dlu profile owg tuh,kenal ke x..yg ak nk tergelaknyer mamat ni muda dari ak..muda setahun ak x kesa sangat mude 2 thn.hahaha.dia tanye ak umo bpe..ak ckp,ak ni tuer dr dia.dia kte ak x nmpk tuer.hahaha.lawak sehh!mamat tuh pn.ak pulak  tgk dia pn dh  tw dia mude lg...

Nie gambar hiasan jerr...xde kaitan pn dengan cter ak kt ats tuh.hehehe

Thursday, May 27, 2010

saket tengkuk! ;(

huhuhu...saket laa padahnyer bile salah tido.hukhuk..memang saket gler..nk pandang kiri kanan pn ssh.nk makan.nk mandi.nk tengok tv pn ssh...suma lah!!.ade sowg kwn ni..bapak dia doctor...ak mmg sllo minx advice dari dia...dia kte kne banyak berehat.jgn byk asyik bergolek atas katil pn buhsan gak!nk tdo pn ssh.kena baring tegak jerr...

kt sni ak nk share klu kowg pn terkena saket tengkuk mcm ak ni ..

Home Care

For minor, common causes of neck pain:
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Apply heat or ice to the painful area. One good method is to use ice for the first 48 - 72 hours, then use heat after that. Heat may be applied with hot showers, hot compresses, or a heating pad. Be careful not to fall asleep with a heating pad on.
  • Stop normal physical activity for the first few days. This helps calm your symptoms and reduce inflammation.
  • Perform slow range-of-motion exercises -- up and down, side to side, and from ear to ear -- to gently stretch the neck muscles.
  • Have a partner gently massage the sore or painful areas.
  • Try sleeping on a firm mattress without a pillow or with a special neck pillow.
  • Use a soft neck collar for a short period of time to relieve discomfort.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

jus lobak merah

ni pasal kes smlm la ni..tbe2 teringin nk minum jus buah plak...sje je minx tolong my lil bro tlg wtkn...suro budak 12 thn...hehehe.dia pn dgn baek ati nyer tlg la wat pn budak 12thn...abes satu dapur b'selerak.hahaha.tumpah sane-sini.konon nk senang kn diri.suro owg wat kan.last2 diri sendiri yg kena kemas blk dapur.haiiiii,satu keje la plak...

hmmm..naseb baek sedappp!!hehehe.klu kowg plak kowg ske jus ape??? ;)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

nightmare babe!

huhuhu.smlm sblm tdo wt sudoku...agknyer t'tdo k0wt..xsempat basuh kaki.i2 yg dpt mimpi ngeri tuh..huhuhu.seram woo..yg plg x ske,ble mimpi ngeri jer t'bangun..pas2 jantung plak berdebar2..ishhh!huhuhu.pas2 ak pn cube la nk melupakn mimpi 2.sbb dlm byk2 mimpi.slalonyer mimpi ngeri la yg ak paling ingat!nyampah!xske dia yg dtg sndri dlm pale.

saje jer letak gmbr karton..sbb...sbb....takotttt!!haha.klu kowg nk share nightmare kowg..dialu-alukn.

Monday, May 24, 2010

masak ape yea?

ble cuti sem la keje ak.jd suri umh sambilan.hehe.arini ak msk ikan pari masak sambal n sayur bayam..klu nk rase meh ler dtg umh ak.. (:

  ape mcm??nmpk menarik x??haha.klu kowg ade resipi baru nk share.dipersilakn. <3